Friday, September 16, 2011

Ariel: World of Color

In addition to the Simba World of Color pin, three others were made with the same general design. Since people were interested in trading for my Simba one, I contemplated trading mine since my husband said I could have his (trade my Simba pin and have it too!). I didn't want to do that though, and figured that people with the other character World of Color pins would be as attached to theirs as I was to mine. I had come to terms with the fact that I would not get the other pins in this "set."

However, in the Downtown Disney trading kiosk, the cast member had an Ariel pin that I traded for!

I don't remember what I traded for this, but I'll be keeping better track of my trades in the future. The Ariel pin was available through Walt Disney Travel Company, similar to how the Simba pin was available to AAA customers.

The other characters on this style of pin are Buzz Lightyear (through Costco) and Crush (through Visa/Chase); maybe I will be able to add those to my collection someday!

Pin #: 83563
Trade with DLR CM
Date: May 2011

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